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First stage. BAKED

The brix degrees of sugar contained in the raw material or agave are evaluated before entering the baking yards, looking for higher brix degrees   to determine the amount of liters that will be obtained in this production batch, here it is noted in the production batch log and the type of agave used to produce the distillate. Depending on the type of baking, it is evaluated how the pineapple will be cut for better cooking. Once the pineapple is baked, it is evaluated: cooking time, maximum and minimum temperature, type of fuel in quantity and cost. In this part, the type of oven and type of fuel for cooking are indicated in the log.  Here we determine the cost of baking pineapple per ton, seeking to improve the process by meeting the standards of so many  kg of agave x so many liters  of mezcal. IMPI is given the possible brand names to be authorized. To the SAT the stationery that will evaluate for the padrón. A request is sent to the federal commission for protection against sanitary risks to agree on the visit, anticipating some recommendations subject to the baking of pineapples.  The files are being integrated to integrate the study in each of the dependencies.


Second stage . GRINDING

For this stage, depending on whether it is grinding, industrial mill or bakery stone, the amount of must released from the already burned pineapple is analyzed, adding untreated water, where the quality of the water is ordered to be analyzed to integrate the file with COFEPRIS_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and determined in file  for the log of the number of liters of water entered per ton of cooked agave, making the extraction of juices per ton more efficient. To achieve  homogeneity  the necessary care is taken between each production batch to achieve  the same cleanliness in solid pipes, valves, , through which the must flows, is the one that will give us the same flavor, the must cleaning, valve cleaning and solid retainer cleaning treaties are integrated into the file,  the results_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ here  once completed, we integrate them into the COFEPRIS file,  and into the factory file_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b5-18-bb356-bb3bcf because any alteration in the cleaning of  each of the grinding components can modify the homogeneity of  the production batches or give different flavor for each batch. The files are being integrated to integrate the study in each of the dependencies.


Third  stage . FERMENTATION

Depending on the type of storage for fermentation of the must, which is in oak vats, stainless steel vats or concrete piles,  will be integrated  into the file for study, the amount of water per ton of pineapple, the fermentation temperatures,  the type of cleaning carried out on the containers, never with detergents or chlorine, the type of fermented strain or the authorized one, is recorded in the file for later study the days of fermentation maturation.  Depending on how the master mezcalero integrates  the yeasts and bacteria selected and inoculated will depend on the speed of the fermentation.

In order to have a quality fermentation, it is important to control various conditions, among which the following stand out: ANAEROBIOSIS: Having good anaerobic conditions (without aeration in the fermentation tanks). CONTAMINATION CONTROL: Avoid contamination by other microorganisms that can produce unwanted substances. This point is very important in the fermentation process  that uses open vats, because the dust that falls on the fermented broth could contain contaminating organisms. It is integrated into the file on how se  controls the optimal temperature and time conditions during the process to obtain the greatest amount of ethanol. It is included in the manufacturing file  and in the file   for study and evaluation, such as having a  jacket cooling system to keep the temperature controlled and thus prevent the yeast from being stressed by excess temperature. When the must meets all the ingredients, fermentation begins; In this stage, alcohol, carbon dioxide and energy are produced, which are released in the form of heat, as well as other components that provide organoleptic properties. The must in full fermentation is effervescent. Fermentation always seeks  the highest concentration of sugars  to convert carbon dioxide and ethanol. At the moment that the effervescence stops, the process ends and it is customary to say that the must is dead, the yeasts have finished the conversion of sugar into alcohol or that they die even though they have sugar, mainly because the medium has become toxic for their consumption. survival. After the fermentation stage, the must is left to rest to promote the generation of important aromatic compounds in the product. All these results are integrated into the files for the factory study, to attest to the type of fermentation carried out.


Fourth stage. DISTILLATION.

Depending on the type of distillation selected by copper alembic, by alembic  mud, Huichol distiller or Filipino distiller, the file is integrated to present the results of  the successive separation of the liquids in the must, taking advantage of the difference between their boiling points. It is very important that the master mezcalero know  the degrees of evaporation of the different alcohols, the first evaporations are methanols that evaporate are very toxic used as  dye solvent, resins and adhesives. The last evaporations or tails are the propanols that evaporate, they are toxic, it is a fast evaporating solvent, it is used for cleaning,  it can also be used as a stain remover. Here we must indicate that the master mezcalero, remove  the first thing that is distilled and the last,  since this is harmful to the body, the alcohols that are not ETHANOLs are harmful, each of these production batches will carry out a laboratory study in order to analyze Normative references.


2.1  NOM-030-SCFI-2006

Commercial information on quantity in the label-Specifications, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 6, 2006.

2.2   NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014

Alcoholic drinks. Sanitary specifications. Sanitary and commercial labeling, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 23, 2015.

2.3  NOM-251-SSA1-2009

Hygiene practices for the processing of food, beverages or food supplements, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 1, 2010.

2.4  NMX-V-004-NORMEX-2013

Alcoholic beverages- Determination of furfural-Test Methods (Test). Declaration of validity published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 23, 2014.

2.5  NMX-V-005-NORMEX-2013

Alcoholic beverages-Determination of aldehydes, esters, methanol and higher alcohols-Test methods (test). Declaration of validity published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 23, 2014.

2.6  NMX-V-013-NORMEX-2013

Alcoholic beverages-Determination of the alcoholic content (percent of alcohol by volume at 293 K) (20ºC)  (% Alc. Vol.)-Test methods (test). Declaration of validity published in the Official Gazette of the Federation el  January 23, 2014.

2.7  NMX-V-017-NORMEX-2014

Alcoholic beverages-Determination of dry extract and ashes-Test methods (test). Declaration of validity published in the Official Gazette of the Federation el  March 31, 2015.

2.8   NMX-V-050-NORMEX-2010

Alcoholic beverages- Determination of metals such as copper (Cu), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), by atomic absorption - Test Methods (Test). Declaration of validity published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on February 22, 2011.


All these results are integrated into the files to integrate the study before the CRM or CRT and COFEPRIS.

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